Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Seriously? Another 'end of the world' prediction? Come on!

(Harold Camping, Family Radio Ministries)

Dear Mr. Camping,

For centuries people have tried to predict the date that Jesus will come again.  People assumed it would be in the year 1000.  All through the Middle Ages people ‘knew’ the day and the hour.  It seems that every year the news media picks up on another prediction.  You will probably notice that all of these previous statements that the world would end have one thing in common: they were all wrong.  The last I looked in the mirror, I’m still here.

You claim that “The Bible gives us the correct and accurate information about that Day,” May 21, 2011.  I’ve read your rationale as to how the Bible ‘clearly’ sets that as a date, but I have to admit you lost me.  It seems to me that you picked the date out of thin air, though I admit that May 21 has a nice ring to it.

In 1994 you made a lot of news by telling the world that it would end that September, but apparently you simply made a mathematical error in your calculations.  You KNOW that May 21, 2011 is the date this time.

Never mind that Jesus said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone” (Matthew 24:36).  Apparently you know more than Jesus, which I find quite fascinating.

To be honest, Mr. Camping, it’s not your bizarre predictions that frustrate me the most.  I take issue with your perception of the Jesus that comes to judge.  He sounds pretty angry to me!  You claim that we “learn from the Bible that Holy God plans to rescue about 200 million people (that is about 3% of today’s population).”  I’ve read the Bible for years and haven’t seen anything regarding those numbers.  If only that many people will make it, the implication is that I need to get to work and make sure that I’m worthy to be counted in that number.   It sounds like it’s all about me and the faith that I can muster up in myself.  (as an aside…if only 200 million people will get saved, why do you bother letting people know about it?  What if you convince 200 million people that you’re right?  Might they be more ‘holy’ than you, leaving you on the outside looking in?)

Mr. Camping, this is where I find your predictions the most off base.  You proclaim a Jesus who is ready to kick butt and take names.  You talk over and over about ‘worthiness’ and ‘being ready.’  The last time I read my Bible (and yes, I read it too), I encountered a Jesus who was willing to die for people’s sins.  I found a Lord who sought people out and loved them as they were.  Yes, Jesus calls people to repent.  Yes, people who encounter the Risen Christ have changed lives.  I get that.  You focus on us and how good we can be.  The Bible focuses on God and how gracious God can be.

Your fear-mongering predictions do more to drive people from the faith than to call them to it.  You talk of Jesus’ coming as a day of terror.  Might we instead see it as a day when the one who has forgiven us will come and call us home?   That’s the Biblical approach I take!

I’m sorry, Mr. Camping, but I have plans for May 22nd.  The judgment will not come on May 21.  I’ll work to proclaim a God of forgiveness and hope in the midst of your proclamations of terror and fear.

I look forward to hearing from you next week.  Perhaps you will have had another mathematical error?

Pastor Pete


  1. Don't worry about tomorrow -- today has enough worries of its own.

  2. Pete! Thanks for the blog. I am pretty sure Jesus wasn't a math major! I really struggle with folks buying into such things, over and over again. I had a neighbor who back in 1999 got 2 500 gallon tanks for water because of the impending doom! I don't know maybe they are swimming pools now.
