Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Isn't it great that God agrees with me?

“If God has made us in his image, we have returned him the favor.” Voltaire

Last week I attended a pastor’s lunch with evangelical speaker Tony Campolo which really got me thinking.  When we think of God, do we proclaim a God who likes what we like and hates what we hate?  When we worship God, are we really worshipping … ourselves? 

Of course we claim to worship Jesus Christ!  We proclaim the basics: Jesus died for our sins, we do not earn our way to God, God loves God’s people.   Do we add layers to all that, worshipping the ‘version’ of Jesus that fits with our worldview?

If I’m on the political right, do I worship a Jesus who focuses on personal responsibility and moral action? Do I gravitate to Scripture passages that talk about discipleship and consequences for our actions? 

If I’m on the political left, do I worship a Jesus who focuses on loving the neighbor?  Do I gravitate to Scripture passages that talk about caring for the poor, the widow, and the orphan? 

If I live in a wealthy nation, do I worship a Jesus who wants His followers to be happy and successful?  Do I gravitate to Scripture passages that talk about God blessing faithful people?

If I live in poverty in a Third World country, do I worship a Jesus who fights against oppression and who cares specially for the poor?  Do I gravitate to Scripture passages that talk about God’s wrath against those who oppress? 

Do we use the Bible to create the God that we want?  It’s easy to say, “The Bible says this,” and then pick out some verses here or there that fit with what we want to believe.  We attack anyone who thinks differently than we do.  We KNOW that we worship the correct God because God agrees with US.

What happens when we stop picking and choosing verses (often verses that people we agree with tell us to look up)?  If you can read the Bible and not get REALLY uncomfortable with the way that God is portrayed, you’re not reading the Bible!  God doesn’t fit into our little boxes.  God is not limited to liking what we like and hating what we hate.

How do we open ourselves to hearing God speak in ways that make us uncomfortable?  How do we let God…be God?

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure God doesn't look like me. And probably not like you, either, Pete. We're both blessed to be us -- not God. Knowing one is NOT the Lord is a good place to start. As for reading the Bible, who needs it? Someone said recently, "I don't need no bible to read the Bible, I've got Fox News." We all like to hear what we want.
