Tuesday, December 18, 2012


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. – John 1:5

Friday was a day of deep darkness in our nation.  A gunman loose in an elementary school.  Twenty 1st graders dead.  Teachers and administrators slain.  Lives taken away…and other lives changed forever.  A community and nation traumatized.   Yes, darkness has settled in.  It’s hard to detect any light in the midst of it.  It’s hard to understand how a loving God could allow such pain.  Why, God?  Why?

We live in a season of darkness.  We literally experience it as the daylight fades by 4:30, but our lives sense it in family squabbles, in money anxieties, in depression, in loneliness, in uncertainty about the future, in an abiding sense of loss of those we love.  Every person experiences moments of deep darkness…despair…hopelessness.  It can seem that light will never shine again.

In the midst of the darkness, a light shines: the light of Jesus Christ. This isn’t the church simply being Pollyanna.  It’s not just wishful thinking.  It’s not self-delusion.  It’s reality.  We proclaim the God who came to live among us, who experienced the grief that death brings, who knew what it felt like to be abandoned by everyone around him, who knew the physical pain of torture, who cried out from the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me.”  Jesus knows darkness as well as anyone.

We proclaim the God who rose from the dead, defeating death forever.  The light of Christ shines on earth, beginning in a manger in Bethlehem, continuing in an empty tomb in Jerusalem, and continuing forever.  This light will never go out.  Darkness can, and will, come into our lives.  We don’t deny that!  But darkness cannot have the last word.  We are never alone in the darkness of this world.  Jesus came to be with us, comforting us, caring for us, loving us.  Sometimes it’s hard to remember that.  Sometimes the darkness seems too deep to overcome.  Yet in the midst of darkness…a flicker…a flame of light pierces the darkness.  Evil and death will be defeated...in that we hope.

May we sense the presence of Christ in these dark days...and may Jesus use us as a light to others in darkness around us.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Greek to Me!

Last week this popped up on my Facebook account:

After laughing out loud for a bit a realization hit me: most non-pastor people have NO idea what it is talking about (and they completely miss the humor)!  

The New Testament was originally written in Greek, not English, so the word ‘Jesus’ looked like Ἰησοῦς  and ‘Christ’ was written Χριστός.  If you look at the first two letters of Χριστός, you see a big X (the Greek letter ‘chi’) and something that looks like a ‘p’ (it’s actually the Greek letter ‘rho’).  For centuries, these two letters standing together have become a symbol for ‘Christ.’  So the P with an X in the middle of it from the image above: Chi Rho…Christ! 

And to shorten it even more, the letter chi (X) has often been used on its own as a way to say ‘Christ.’  When I was in seminary, I never took the time to write ‘Christ’ in my notes.  I always simply used an ‘X’.  When people write Merry Xmas, they aren’t ‘dissing’ Jesus, they are simply using the long-standing Greek abbreviation for Christ (though I suspect they don’t realize it).

The Christian church abounds in symbols.  Take this fish for example.  People put it on the bumpers of their cars as a subtle way to show their faith, but what does it mean?  Again, we go back to Greek.  If you take the first letters of the phrase ‘Jesus Christ Son of God Savior’ you get ICQUS, which is the Greek for fish.  Who knew that by putting a fish on your car you were using Greek??

How about this one: IHS (it shows up in churches quite often).  That doesn’t look Greek, does it?  Actually, it is!  Remember Ἰησοῦς?   IHS gives the first three letters of it (when the letters are capitalized).

If people don’t understand a symbol it loses its power and meaning.  While teaching about some of the ancient symbols can be very helpful for people, I am a much stronger advocate for using Christian symbols which have more obvious meanings (and don’t take so much explanation).  Having to explain a symbol is like having to explain the punch line of a joke to someone: it misses something!

So…Merry Xmas.  I mean that in the most Christian sense possible!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pre-Christmas Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are nice, but they don’t come for another month.  How about some Advent/pre-Christmas resolutions??  The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas turns into a crazy rush from one thing to another.  A little pre-planning can help me to make conscious decisions to keep God in the center of it all…and help me keep my sanity!

Bring on the resolutions!!

·         In the midst of a lot of extra Christmas ‘stuff,’ I will take at least 5 minutes a day to quietly sit with God, reflecting on my day and asking for guidance.

·         Every time I receive a Christmas card I will say a prayer for the people who sent it.

·         I will make sure that I have time with Shannon and Ben.  It’s easy to want to be a part of a zillion worthy events…I won’t do that at the expense of family time.  (Churches are notorious for telling people to ‘slow down’ before Christmas and then scheduling a bunch of special activities…we’re trying not to do that at Peace this year!)

·         I will do most of my Christmas shopping on-line to avoid the frustration of long lines (some people enjoy getting out to the stores…it drives me nuts!).

·         When I hear instrumental versions of the Christmas songs of faith (Joy to the World, O Come All Ye Faithful, etc.) I will try to remember to sing the words (in my head if I’m in public so I don’t embarrass my family too much!).  That will take the songs from my ‘general Christmas smarminess’ category to my ‘faith building’ category.

·         I will not rush into decorating the house for Christmas, making it another chore to get through. Instead, I will take it slow and enjoy each decoration as it goes up (thankfully I have the lights on my roof…I admit putting them up brings thoughts of ambulance rides, which kinda kills the fun).

·         This is a time of year when I usually indulge on cookies!  To keep my waist-line in order I will commit to running at least 15 miles a week (in addition to playing basketball a couple times a week).  I may even attempt to eat fewer cookies.

·         To avoid the last minute rush of sermon writing, I will have the Christmas Eve sermon written by December 18th.  That way I’ll be able to use my full creativity in writing it.

These will work for me!  What resolutions might you come up with to keep the ‘Christ’ in ‘Christmas’ in your life?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving - Pete Style!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner…what do I have to thank God for??

·         Pazopanib!  This is the little pill that is doing amazing things to keep Shannon’s ovarian cancer at bay.  Over the past months her blood tumor count has dropped significantly and the tumor keeps shrinking!  It also has blessed her with a wonderful hairdo.    Thank you God!

·         Dr. Prema Peethambaram!  Shannon’s doctor has led her through nearly nine years of treatments with skill and compassion.  What a blessing to live so close to Mayo Clinic!  Thank you God!

·         Dover-Eyota Schools!  This school district has provided my son Ben with a great environment to gain wisdom and grow into a young man.  He has cross country and track coaches to challenge him, teachers to guide him, and a band director to inspire him (a shout out to Mr. Anderson!).  Thank you God!

·         Geeky friends!  Ben has surrounded himself with motivated guys who are proud to be called geeks!  Their engineering obsession serves them well.  Thank you God!

·         Peace Lutheran Church!  What a wonderful place to be a pastor.  I can’t think of many other congregations that are so open to listening to God’s call to the future.  Leaders step up to get things done.  Kids nearly overwhelm the service.  People enjoy getting together.  There is amazing energy around reaching outside the congregation to help people in need.  Thank you God!

·         Church buildings!  Sometimes I still marvel that I have an office to sit in…a worship space to walk into (and not set up weekly)…space to gather and linger.  This space has given Peace newfound visibility and a place to do great things.  Thank you God!

·         Turkey Trot!  How awesome that Peace could raise over $3000 to feed the hungry of southeastern Minnesota by doing what so many of us love to do: run!  Thank you God!

·         Running!  It’s been a wonderful year of getting in shape and putting in some miles.  I even won a couple races!  I never thought I would ever enjoy exercise so much.  It’s good for the body…the mind…and the spirit.  Thank you God!

·         South Sudanese Ministries!  I still have a hard time believing that the Southeastern Minnesota Synod is at the forefront of African Ministry in the ELCA.  In my role as Mission Director of the synod, I’ve gotten to know some wonderful leaders.  I even got to meet the vice-president of South Sudan!  As of right now there are six South Sudanese worshipping communities in southeastern Minnesota…but another one may be coming.  Thank you God!

·         Treefrog Treasures!  Shannon’s business continues to expand, causing her staff to grow to two amazing full time employees.  She even has a kiosk at Rosedale Mall!  Thank you God!

The list could go on and on.  God is good!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Letter To Those Elected: I will pray for you

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. – 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Dear newly elected public servants,

Congratulations on your victories.  Some of you faced closely contested races.  Others of you waltzed to easy wins.  However it worked in your particular race, you inspired people to vote you into office.  Today is a day of celebration for you.  You have earned it.  Way to go!

Soon the hard work of governing will begin.  We are in a nation and state facing major challenges, from the ‘fiscal cliff’ looming over the national government to the financial struggles of our state, from challenges surrounding Iran to health care, from the solvency of Social Security to the issues of immigration and education.  On a national level, this nation elected a Democrat as president, a Democratic majority in the Senate, and a Republican majority in the House.  There is no ‘mandate’ to push any agenda forward.  The election only reflected the deeply divided nature of this nation.  In recent years both parties have been very good at obstructing any meaningful progress on the important issues of the day.   It’s been more important for your party to ‘win’ than for the people of America to ‘win.’  Democrats can’t agree to any Republican idea, no matter how much merit it might have.  Republicans can’t agree to any Democratic idea, no matter how much merit it might have.  That has to stop.  The work ahead is too important to allow your political bickering to hijack the system.  I ask that, for the sake of our nation, you humbly consider the point of view of those on the opposite side of the aisle.

During the election I heard much talk about where God fits into American politics.  Many of you Republicans insisted that a vote for you was a vote for God, basing such assertions on issues like abortion and gay rights.  Many of you Democrats insisted that a vote for you was a vote for God, basing such assertions on issues like care for the poor and gay rights.  The last that I checked, God is not registered in either party and was not on the ballot.  This election didn’t decide between ‘good’ and ‘evil.’  People of faith all over this nation prayerfully considered who to vote for.  Some voted for you and some voted for your opponent.   While it’s easy to declare that God is on your side, sometimes it’s harder to discern if you are on God’s!  As you prepare to govern, I ask that you spend some time on your knees, asking for God’s guidance.  This isn’t a time to tell God what the nation (or state) needs…it’s a time to listen to God.

I will admit that I did not vote for every one of you.  In some cases I thought that your opponent would do a better job of governing than you.  Nevertheless, whether you received my vote or not, you are in my prayers.    I ask that God would guide you in your decision-making.  I ask God to strengthen you as you prepare to face the rigors of your office.  I ask people of faith to join me in these prayers.  

Again, congratulations on your election.  May God guide you in the days ahead.


Pastor Pete Reuss 

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween and Death....Not So Scary After All!

The light of flashlights pierced the darkness as a group of teenagers walked through the cemetery, going from headstone to headstone seeking the oldest corpse.  Voices pierced the foggy mist as they announced their finds: “This one died in 1942…this one in 1903…here’s one from 1875…wow, 1860!”  Their feet passed over the top of the dead lying in fancy caskets and the dead in rough, decomposed wooden coffins.  Shivers ran through many of the teens’ spines as they realized that bodies lay just a few feet away.  Halloween thoughts raced through many heads: thoughts of zombies, skeletons, ghosts.  How many stories are told of the things that happen in dark cemeteries?!

From the middle of the cemetery, voice spoke, echoing words that had been spoken many times in that place, “Almighty God, by the death and burial of Jesus, your anointed, you have destroyed death and sanctified the graves of all your saints.  Keep our brother, whose body we now lay to rest, in the company of all your saints and, at the last, raise him up to share with all your faithful people the endless joy and peace won through the glorious resurrection of Christ our Lord.”  In the midst of a place of death and decay and fear, the voice spoke of life and resurrection. 

Death drives people to fear.  Horror movies and ghost stories use death to build terror.   People flock to haunted houses filled with the images of the dead…and ‘undead.’   People struggle to sleep with scary thoughts flashing through their minds.  Death, the unknown future, brings hopelessness and despair.  Halloween images play into it all.

There is one who knows death very well.  Jesus of Nazareth hung on a cross while life drained from him.  He breathed his last.  People lay his corpse in a tomb.  Terror overwhelmed Jesus’ friends as they feared that they would be next to die.  Death held great power that day.

But a couple days later Jesus walked again, not as some ‘undead’ zombie, but as a resurrected one.  Death crumbled before the power of God.

Last Wednesday evening some families from Peace Lutheran Church walked through the darkness of the cemetery just west of Eyota.  In the midst of a place of death…and a season of death…we spoke words of hope.  We heard words that come from the service for the committal of a body to the ground.  Lord Jesus, by your death you took away the sting of death.  Grant to us, your servants, so to follow in faith where you have led the way, that we may at length fall asleep peacefully in you and wake in your likeness.” 

At Halloween death seems so terrifying, but God’s people can look death in the eye and proclaim, “I am a chosen child of God, claimed and redeemed by Jesus.  Death, you could not hold Jesus and you can’t hold me.  I will live with my savior forever!”  Through faith we can walk to death in peace, knowing that God cares for us in this life and in the next. 

Happy Halloween!  It’s a fun day for candy and odd costumes…and a day to remember that God has conquered death forever.  ‘Rest eternal grant her, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine on her.’  RIP: Rest in Peace!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Christian Response to Political Fear Mongering

“Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, First Inaugural Address, 1933

FDR sought to speak a word of hope into a desperate situation.  In 1933 the nation was in the grips of the Great Depression.  People didn’t know who to trust.  Banks closed and people’s savings disintegrated.  The stock market which boomed for so many years collapsed.  Once the fear got going it overwhelmed the nation with disastrous consequences.   People saw little hope for the future and could only think of survival.  FDR knew that this had to change.  To get the nation moving forward again people had to have hope in something.   

Many of us experienced similar emotions in October 2008 as the economy went into a free fall.  Companies closed.  The stock market fell apart.  People lost jobs.  Once the fear got rolling there was no stopping it.

Fear paralyses people.  It causes them to make irrational decisions, not based on facts, but based on emotions.  Fear causes the ‘fight or flight’ mentality to kick in.  Self-preservation trumps all.

Right now our airwaves abound in fear!  With only a couple weeks left in this election cycle, both major parties do what they can to make us fear their opponents.  If we believed the Republican rhetoric, voting for Obama is not only a vote for another recession, it means that your grandma will no longer get health care, you will probably lose your job, and America will be taken over by Muslim extremists.  If you believe the Democratic rhetoric, voting for Romney is a vote for is a vote for the wealthy to get wealthier, your grandma will lose her health care, and America will suddenly fight wars all over the globe, especially in the Middle East. 

Both parties tell half-truths and outright lies to drive us to despair if the ‘other’ guy is elected.  They get us to vote out of fear of what will happen if the ‘other’ wins.  The ‘party machines’ draw us into the fray.  They give us the ‘talking points’ to use to instill the most fear in those around us.  Those who vote on the opposite side of the aisle are ‘idiots’ who ‘just don’t get it.’ 

How quickly we forget about things like ‘You shall have no other gods before me’ and ‘you shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.’  We make political candidates into saviors.  When speaking of the ‘opponent’ we fail to ‘defend them, speak well of them, and explain their action in the kindest way.’  

Can people of faith bring another voice to the conversation?  No matter which party carries the White House and Congress, Jesus will still be Lord.  God will still care for God’s people.  We will still have the freedom to worship God as we choose.

Fear mongering has no place among God’s people.  It’s high time for people of faith to set aside the half-truths, lies, and fears which surround us.  Before you post a snarky Facebook message…before you repeat a rumor your heard about a candidate…before you mock someone for misspeaking… before you call someone a liar…take the time to ask, “Is this how Jesus wants us to treat one of His children?”  When we’re gripped by fear we fail to care for our neighbor…we only think of ourselves.  The last I checked, that’s not our Christian calling!

With God at work in our world, what do we have to fear???

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hanging Out with God

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Shannon and I have spent nearly 20 years of life together in marriage.  We’ve had much to talk about!  We started our married years with me in seminary and Shannon working as a psych nurse at the VA in Minneapolis.  I shared my classroom learning…she shared her interesting experiences.  While there we had many hours of wondering where we would end up once I became a pastor.  We assumed it would be Iowa or Wisconsin, but God had other ideas.  Once we received our assignment, we spent many hours discussing the merits of life in small town Illinois!  Once at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Benson, IL, I got to tell her my experiences as a new pastor.  When Ben came along we wrestled with the best way to raise him and Shannon got to tell me what it was like to be a stay at home mom in a town of 400 people.  While in Illinois, Shannon started her business and we spent many hours together planning for the future, considering the best way to move Treefrog Treasures forward.  After 6 ½ years in Illinois we felt God calling us back to Minnesota, so we spent many long hours wondering what that meant for us. 

After moving to Eyota life changed significantly.  I went from a stable rural congregation to a new, cutting edge one.  I ran many ideas past my wife.  She grew her business, employing staff and building a warehouse.  She wanted my input.  For over eight years now we’ve had cancer to talk about, pondering her latest treatments and the effects they’ve had on her.  For so many years we’ve had much to talk about.  We’ve made time to talk…and to listen.

Not every moment of our relationship has been in conversation.  We’ve also spent time hanging out, just being with each other.  Words aren’t always needed.  Whether we’re in the boat fishing…or watching a movie…or quietly reading books together, spending quiet time together is important to any relationship.  Sometimes you need to quit talking…and just BE!

Over the past month I’ve realized the importance of this, not just in my marriage, but in my relationship with God! 

My prayer life over the years has involved a lot of talking…most of it by me.  I come to God with concerns and requests.  I ponder the ways that God works in the world.  I thank God for God’s goodness…and complain to God when things go wrong.  I praise God for the love that God has for me…and I wonder aloud why people suffer.  Talk…talk…talk! 

About the time that school started this fall I started a new spiritual practice…quietly hanging out with God.  Life got so hectic that I had a hard time slowing down, so (with some help and direction) I tracked down a couple YouTube videos of rivers rushing over some rapids.  For four minutes a day I sit and stare into that rushing water.  I seek to clear my mind…and simply BE with God.  No talking.  No planning.  No pondering.  Just time being in God’s presence.  The sight and sound of the water helps to clear my mind.  Some days it’s a challenge…my mind wants to plan the next thing on the calendar, but the rushing waters bring my mind back to God.  It’s brought a sense of peace and rest.  It becomes an oasis in the midst of a hectic schedule.  Intentionally spending time with God puts many things into perspective!

Four minutes.  It’s actually not much time, but it’s been a good beginning for me.  Sometimes I need to quit talking and just BE.  Me…hanging out with God!  I highly recommend it!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Mental Illness: A Heart Rending Story

It’s a story we hear all too often.  A kid gets a serious illness…communities rally around him to support him and his family as he battles through treatment…money is raised to pay for hospital bills.  Heartwarming stories come out of it all.

While this may be the case for many diseases, those who suffer from mental illness rarely have heartwarming stories!  Read this letter from the father of a child who has childhood bipolar disorder. 


By Anonymous (a physician)

I have a terrible wish that breaks my heart. I wish my son had childhood leukemia instead of what he does have, a mental illness called childhood bipolar disorder (BP).

You see, if only my son had childhood leukemia instead of BP…

He would have a 90% chance of being cured and only a 10% chance of dying.

Family and friends would rally to support him and us. They would stay at his bedside. They would send cards and balloons and flowers. They would prepare meals for us. They would be there for him and us.

Foundations would answer his fondest wish, and professional athletes and clowns would come to his bedside to bring him a smile.

He would be treated on a caring cancer ward in a beautiful children's hospital made possible by gifts from private individuals and foundations. Our insurance company would not put a limit on the number of days he could spend in the hospital, and there would be plenty of outstanding pediatric oncologists willing to treat him.

If he needed $100,000 for a bone marrow transplantation, medical insurance would cover it. If not, family, friends, and strangers would donate money to ensure that he received the life-saving treatment.

But my son does not have leukemia. He has a mental illness and…

He has more than an 18% chance of dying from suicide or drug overdose or some other complication of his illness, and there is no hope for a cure -- only the hope that maybe someday he can take care of himself.

Family and friends avoid us. They do not rally to help us. They do not ask how he is and how we are. They are not there for him or us.

There are no foundations seeking to grant his wishes, and professional athletes and clowns do not come to give him a smile. Our son has a mental illness, and that means his illness is not like leukemia, because surely it is his fault or our fault or both. His illness is certainly not something worth caring about. His wishes are not worth granting, and few people want to volunteer their time just to bring him a smile.

There is no beautiful psychiatric ward for him, because who would want to waste their gifts on children like him? Instead, we close psychiatric facilities for children and put up barriers to their receiving treatment. Our insurance company limits inpatient coverage to 30 days a year, so we pray he does not need more than that. Insurance companies do not adequately pay child psychiatrists, so, naturally, there is a shortage, and we feel lucky because we were able to get a child psychiatrist to care for our son.

If he ever needs residential treatment, which may require many months of therapy, our medical insurance will not pay for it. Family, friends, and strangers will not come forward to raise the $100,000 that is needed for this treatment, no matter how life-saving it may be.

Yes, if my son had leukemia, he would have a realistic chance of being cured, and would receive the best possible medical care and the support of family and friends and strangers. But he doesn't. He has BP, and that means inadequate medical care, cold indifference from others, and no hope for a cure.

What a terrible wish for a father to have. To wish that your son had leukemia instead of what he does have, a mental illness called bipolar disorder.


It’s easy to forget that mental illnesses are physical in nature.  People with mental illnesses aren’t morally deficient…they aren’t ‘weird’…they aren’t ‘problems.’  They are sick people in need of treatment.  They are children of God in need of care and compassion…just as every person struggling with an illness needs care and compassion.

This week is national Mental Illness Awareness Week.  As people of God we are free to reach out to those struggling with mental illnesses…and the families that love and care for them! 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Do your part in electing...a bishop!

Election season is nearly upon us.  It’s a time to start looking at candidates…to hear them speak…to prayerfully consider which will do a better job of leading us into the future. Your input is crucial!  This is a democracy…the people choose their leaders!  We’re only seven months away from the election! 

I’m not living in a bizarre time warp…and I’m not talking about American presidential elections.  In June of 2013 the Southeastern Minnesota Synod will be electing a new bishop…and each congregation has a role to play in that election!

Many people here at Peace grew up denominations where succession plans determine who gets to move up to the office of bishop...or where people of power appoint them to that office.  Our process is VERY different!  Next June four people from Peace will attend our Synod Assembly, an annual gathering of people from churches all over southeast Minnesota.  Every pastor in the synod is expected to be there…but there are more lay people than clergy (three people from Peace will join me).  The election will happen by ‘ecclesiastical ballot,’ a fancy name for a simple process.  The first ballot is the nominating ballot.  Blank sheets of paper are handed out and voting members can write down the name of any pastor in the ELCA.  They don’t have to be pastors in our area…they can be from anywhere (rural synods like ours tend to prefer to nominate local people, but that’s not required).   Names are then taken from that nominating ballot and brought forward for later votes.  In each round of voting the number of names on the ballot shrinks.  The possibility of election exists on any ballot by achieving the required number of votes cast by voting members of the assembly applicable to a particular ballot.  By the end of the 2013 Synod Assembly, the new bishop will be elected. 

The four voting members from Peace will have a say in who becomes our new bishop…but everyone’s input is needed for this process to work!  While the official election happens at the assembly, there is a process in place to help people get to know some potential ‘candidates’ for bishop…and you get to be a part of determining who these ‘candidates’ are!  Each congregation in the synod has been asked to gather some people together to answer these questions:

1.     What does it mean for my congregation to be part of a synod?

2.    What issues do we face in our community, southeastern Minnesota and the larger world that we can work on better as a synod than by ourselves?

3.    What qualities in a leader do we need to face these issues?

4.    Are there specific people we think would make a good bishop?

I am looking to gather some people to have these conversations!  If we can determine what qualities we want in a bishop I can put people in contact with potential ‘candidates’ to see if they fit those qualities!  You can be a part of it!  If you know a pastor who has what it takes you can bring their name to the conversation!

Congregations throughout the synod will be making these nominations through January.  In February at our conference assembly all of these names will be brought forward to be voted on.  Those receiving the most votes will take part in several ‘question and answer’ sessions so people all over the synod can get to know some potential candidates.  There is no requirement that one of those who are part of this question and answer process will be elected bishop.  Once the synod assembly begins, the nominating ballots are blank.  This part of the process allows for some people to 'be known' on a wider basis.

In the ELCA, people don’t ‘campaign’ for bishop.  There are no yard signs or buttons or campaign managers.  You won’t see TV ads flooding the Rochester area.  This is a prayerful, discerning process!  People can be ‘open’ to being a bishop, but nobody can say they are ‘called’ to be a bishop until the assembly votes them into that position.

It’s time to pray…and to talk!  If you are interested in being a part of the conversation let me know.  I’ll find a time when we can meet together!

More information (including a profile of the bishop’s role) can be found at semnsynod.org/election-of-a-bishop. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Faith and Business - Shannon's Story

My wife is a small business success story…and her faith is integral to that success. 

In 2001 Shannon started a little hobby of selling toy soldiers on the internet.  She bought from manufacturers and sold to customers…a simple retail outlet.  From those humble beginnings in our basement (shehad to teach our toddler son to be quiet when the phone rang!), Shannon’s Treefrog Treasures has become known throughout the world as a major retailer in the industry.  Shannon’s two full time staff work from her warehouse, shipping daily to places like Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, and Canada.  While few people in the Eyota area know this hobby at all, Treefrog Treasures is known all over the toy soldier world. 

This past weekend I took off my ‘pastor’ hat for a few days and got to be a part of this business.  Military miniature collectors and manufacturers from all over the world gathered in Chicago for a weekend of buying, selling, building relationships, schmoozing, and planning for the future of the hobby.   Shannon met with manufacturers…major and minor.  She interacted with customers.  She hung out with other dealers.  I got to see Shannon in action, using these basic tenets of her Christian faith.

Luke 10:27b Love your neighbor as yourself

This simple maxim is fundamental to business.  Shannon works hard to treat people well.  She works to take God’s love and mirror it towards those around her. As she says, "I may be the only Jesus this person ever sees.”  It plays out with four groups:

·         Customers: Shannon and her staff are prompt and courteous in dealing with people.  They are not afraid to be honest if they make a mistake…and they do what it takes to make things right.   When customers are treated well…they return!

·         Staff: Shannon provides a positive working environment and pays her staff a fair wage.  This encourages good employees to stick around!

·         Manufacturers: Shannon goes out of her way to work jointly with manufacturers, viewing them as part of a ‘team.’  Due to her relationship building, I had two major manufacturers helping me to haul boxes of soldiers to and from our room!

·         Competitors:  Shannon and I had dinner with one of her biggest competitors one night.  They are good people!  If Shannon is short on an inventory item she can call them up to bail her out…and vice versa.

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

Some businesses are all about making money.  Wages get cut to the bone.  Manufacturers are squeezed.  Customers pay a premium whenever possible.  Shannon doesn’t play that game.  She believes that when she builds strong relationships and treats people well her business will succeed (see Luke 10:27!).  Ironically, businesses that put people first tend to make more money in the long run than those focused on getting every dollar possible in the short run.  Staff members tend to stay longer, providing stability.  Manufacturers go out of their way to be helpful, providing whatever resources necessary to help her.  Customers know that they are not getting ripped off…and they come back again and again.  For Shannon, the benefit of making money is that it allows her to be generous in giving, from clean water for people in Africa to working behind the scenes to help local people in need.

Exodus 20:16 You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the ‘catty’ rumor mill that surrounds any industry, but that burns bridges and cuts off the possibility of future relationships.  People know that Shannon will not be caught in the midst of all that mess.  She has the ability to work closely with people that are considered pariahs of the industry.  A little compassion and empathy go a long way…and you never know when a relationship may lead to an exciting opportunity.  It opens doors for her to talk about the reason that she has compassion: Jesus!

Faith and business need not be opposed to each other.  Shannon has found that the two mingle quite nicely!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Recharging the Battery!

The Energizer Bunny…it keeps going…and going…and going.  It has batteries that never need to be recharged or replaced.

I am not the Energizer Bunny! 

Last week was amazingly fun…and amazingly busy!  I got to be a part of some awesome planning meetings here at Peace (we have great leaders with wonderfully creative ideas!).  I got to look ahead to the fall to begin finding leaders for our many activities…with much success!  I had the opportunity to do some great work for the bishop, updating both the New Ministry Table and the whole Synod Council on the exciting movement of the Holy Spirit through our synod’s African ministries.   I had the honor of presiding over the very unique wedding of Joanie Mix and Jason Lande.  I got to see my son Ben run in a cross country meet in La Crescent.  Amazing activity after amazing activity!  I loved it all!  Bring it on!  It was a week worthy of the Energizer Bunny!

Well, on Sunday morning at 5:00 my eyes popped awake.  I couldn’t sleep.  I knew my body desperately needed to rest (this was day #3 of early rising!)…but my brain wouldn’t agree.  It woke up and started whirring.  I finally gave up and got out of bed, knowing full well that this couldn’t continue.  If I didn’t get some rest I would crash. The Energizer Bunny can keep going on the same batteries.  Others of us need to recharge.

This summer I experienced some wonderful recharging of the batteries.  I got to go to the cabin for a couple weeks at a time.  I slept in…fished a lot…played games…puttered in the yard…and relaxed.  I needed this ‘deep recharge’ to reset the batteries for the year.

As I lay awake at 5 AM I knew that a trip to the lake wasn’t possible.  I needed a recharge, but a small one.  I had to find a way to unwind and allow myself to relax.  As a person who usually goes at 100 MPH I admit that I’m not very good at this. 

What I found early Sunday morning were two ‘battery chargers’ for my life…and my faith.  Both are very simple…and very profound.

The first comes from a ‘healthy living’ website for Lutheran pastors (using Mayo Clinic’s Embody Health program): Centering Prayer.  Centering Prayer is quite basic.  Find an image to focus on (or a phrase to repeat) and clear your mind.  Usually when I pray I’m full of words for God.  Centering Prayer is a time to “be still and know that I am God.”  It’s not about DOING something…it’s about BEING with God.  I’m giving it a try…a few minutes a day.

The other ‘battery charger’ comes from a pastor colleague of mine, Mary Frances.  She runs Divine Power Yoga in the Chicago area, and here’s the advice she gave: Spend 5 minutes with your legs up the wall. Lie on your back, butt up against the wall and feet straight up. Breathe deeply in through your nose and out through your nose.  Again, the goal is to slow down and be calm before the Lord.  

I love action!  I love to see things happening!  I also need to recharge.  I’m not the Energizer Bunny.  I’m a rechargeable battery that needs to spend calm time with my God.  If I can plug in my cell phone every night for a charge...I can plug myself in with God! 

I know that I’m not very good at this ‘being calm’ thing.  Over the next month I’m committing myself to focus on Centering Prayer…and maybe even use some yoga positions (we'll see what other ideas Mary has for me!).  I’ll let you know how it goes!