Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Called by God? What does THAT mean?

In last week’s letter to my congregation I included these words:

Bishop-Elect Steve Delzer has asked me to come onto his staff full time as the Director for Evangelical Mission of the Southeastern Minnesota Synod. After much prayer and discernment I felt called to accept this position.

Pastors use language like this all the time.  In college I told folks that I felt ‘called’ to become a pastor.  After graduating from seminary I felt ‘called’ to serve St. Paul Lutheran Church in Benson, IL.  Ten years ago I told the people of St. Paul that I felt ‘called’ to move to Eyota, MN.   

What’s up with all this talk of being ‘called’?  Did God get me on the phone to tell me what to do?  Did I hear voices from the sky or have grand visions?  Nope! 

My ‘call’ to the position of Director for Evangelical Mission on Bishop Delzer’s staff began about five years ago.  It came while having breakfast with Mary Sue Dreier one morning.  Mary Sue was one of the pastors at People of Hope Lutheran Church in Rochester when I first moved to Eyota, and at the time was pursuing her PhD in Missional Theology (she’s now a professor at Southern Seminary).   As we caught up on things, she looked me in the eye and said, “Pete, you have a lot of gifts that can be used beyond a single congregation.  Have you thought of working on a synod staff or at the ELCA churchwide offices?”   At that point I hadn’t ever considered it.  I viewed myself as a parish pastor and figured I’d serve congregations my whole career.

That one conversation got my mind whirling.  Did God use Mary Sue to get me thinking about a new direction for my life?  I spent a lot of time in prayer about it.  Mary Sue sent me information on Doctoral programs at Luther Seminary with the idea that a doctorate could help prepare me for work beyond the local congregation.  I didn’t quite know what to do.

About four and a half years ago I sat having lunch with Bishop Usgaard as we discussed the possibility of Peace Lutheran Church moving forward into a building project (we still worshipped in the gym at that point).  Finances were the hang-up.  Peace needed to be self-sufficient to be able to build and four years ago we were not!  Despite much growth, the congregation still depended on outside monies to pay the bills.  At the end of the meal Huck looked me in the eye and said, “Pete, we have a new position opening on my staff.  We need someone to work with new ministries.  You have the experience and skills to do it.  What if the synod contracted with your congregation to ‘use’ part of your time?  The congregation would then be able to go ahead and build, and the synod would have a person working with new ministries who has been a part of new ministries.  What do you think?”  I couldn’t help but think of my conversation with Mary Sue.  God seemed to have come full circle.

The relationship with the synod has been a blessing for Peace Lutheran Church.  The building that we are in would be here was it not for that synod contract! 

I entered my new role of Mission Director with a bit of trepidation.  Soon after starting I met with several groups of Sudanese immigrants who were trying to connect with host congregations. I worked hard (without much luck) to try to figure out the ‘blueprint’ that I should follow to make things work smoothly.  Someone finally said, “Pete, just do whatever you think works best.”  I had freedom…and used it! 

As I’ve reflected on these past four years as the synod’s part time Mission Director, I’ve found that the role uses my gifts well.  I’m very much a ‘big picture’ guy, and this position allows me to meet with passionate leaders, prayerfully dream about the possibilities of God’s future, and find creative ways to get there. 

By the time Bishop-elect Delzer asked if I would serve on his staff I’d already spent a lot of time in prayer about whether I felt ‘called’ to this position.  I had many people encouraging me to do it.  I knew that my gifts fit well with the job description and I knew that I would love it. 

That’s how the ‘call’ process has worked over and over in my life.  People have planted seeds and encouraged me to go in a new direction.  Something in me feels a nudge that I can’t ignore.  When the ‘inner call’ is confirmed by the ‘outer call,’ that’s when things tend to move quickly. 

People have told me to do many crazy things that I never considered.  Not every voice I hear is from God!  I have had many ‘nudges’ that led nowhere.   Not every idea I think up is from God!

God did what it took to prepare me for this moment in my ministry, not with visions and thunderous voices, but with the encouragement and support of others and with ‘timely coincidences’ that worked to confirm that God had a hand in it all.  God tugged at my heart and led me to this new place.

So, I feel ‘called by God’ to serve in this new position.  I’m excited about the possibilities that God has in store for me even as I lament the fact that I no longer get to serve as the pastor at Peace Lutheran Church. 

Somewhere out there God is preparing (with gentle nudges and encouragement) to ‘call’ a new pastor to serve at Peace. 

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