Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God had a day of rest, so why don't I??

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. (Genesis 2:2-3)

In six days God:

·         created the heavens

·         created the earth

·         created plants

·         created animals

·         created people

On the seventh day God rested.

In six days I:

·         write sermons

·         plan church events

·         organize church youth activities

·         do a zillion behind the scenes church things

·         oversee new ministries in the synod on behalf of Bishop Usgaard

·         do projects at home

·         cook

·         clean

·         do some laundry

·         run my son from event to event

·         garden

·         take care of the yard

·         etc…etc…etc…

On the seventh day, I have just a few one or two more things to take care of.

I think God is on to something! 

We live in a culture that doesn’t know when to stop, and I’m as guilty as anyone else.  The list of things to do never ends.  I wake up early to have some time to catch up.  I often get to bed later than I’d like because I have ‘just one last thing to do.’  I measure the ‘quality’ of my day by how much I accomplished.

When my family goes away to our cabin for a few days, a new list appears: move some rock…push the cattails out of the way…repair the boat…  Last Friday I thought I’d try something different.  After a few 13 hour work days, my family and I headed north.  For one day, I ignored the to-do list.  I slept in…I fished…I grilled lunch...I read a book…I napped…I went jogging…I played cards. Imagine – a whole day without feeling any obligation to get stuff done…a day of rest!  It was lovely! 

I know that when I have some time to relax I’m happier, I’m more fun to be around, I’m a better parent, and I actually get more done.    Why don’t I do that more often?  Why do I keep running the rat race?  It makes no sense.

If God can rest after six days of work, why do I feel the need to keep charging ahead?  My challenge for this fall, as my schedule fills up with new activities, is to find a time of rest.  God created us to take time to unwind and enjoy God’s world.  God calls us to times of peace and reflection.  God reaches out to us in worship and prayer.

I suspect I’m not the only one struggling here!  There’s no glory in having the busiest schedule.  The list of things to do will still be there tomorrow…it doesn’t need to be done now.  Let us join God in a weekly day of rest!  God knows that we need it.

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